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Bible Classes
Here at the Inlet church of Christ we offer many opportunities to study God's word.  Our classes are designed to be open.  We encourage those who have questions or comments to "speak out".  The old saying is true, "The only stupid question is the one that is not asked."  Not everyone understands everything the same way.  By asking questions and having discussion, we can come to a better knowledge of the truth (John 8:33-34).  We offer our Sunday morning bible study at 10:00 a.m. and also our midweek Bible study on Wednesday night at 7:00 p.m.
Lord's Day Worship

Our congegational worship to God the Father begins at 11:00 a.m. This is the greatest time of the week that a faithful member of the Lord's church experiences as we offer glory and praise to Him.  We do this according to the dictates of the scriptures.  We have congregational singing, we partake of the Lord's supper, we give as God has prospered everyone, we go to Him in united prayer and hear a wonderful and encouraging message from His inspired word.

Lord's Day Evening Service

We noticed a while back that the evenings service is a great opportunity to have discussion pertaining to the Word of God.  In an effort to help the spiritual growth of all, we encourage individuals to submit questions or suggestions on topics that can be discussed.  In this way, individuals can "bring to the table" something that they personally want to study.  Maybe you have something that seems never to be discussed in class, this is your opportunity to express it and study it with those who seek the truth of God.


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